The Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program

No matter where you are in your career, consider the prospect of needing long term care, and how applying for long term care insurance coverage under the Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program (FLTCIP) may help. With benefits designed specifically for the federal family, the FLTCIP can help protect your savings and assets in the event you or your loved ones ever need long term care.

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We offer educational webinars to help you learn more about the FLTCIP, topics related to long term care, and your federal benefits. You can register in advance for our upcoming webinars or watch them on-demand after they've aired, at your convenience.

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FLTCIP 3.0 is the current FLTCIP plan, available to applicants applying on or after October 21. It offers the same comprehensive coverage, including a stay-at-home benefit and home care provided by friends and family, with added premium stability.

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Don't miss out! New and newly eligible employees have 60 days from the date you were hired or became eligible to apply with abbreviated underwriting. This means we ask fewer questions about your health to determine if you're approved for coverage.

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The next time you look back at the many years your parents cared for you, consider the possibility that they may require care themselves someday. Long term care insurance can help ensure that your parents will get the care they need...

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